
  Jeremy Harbour - There are more ways to grow your business than just sales and marketing The Harbour Club Merger and Acquisition Strategies for SMEs Jeremy Harbour Jeremy Harbour ................................................................................................ 03 You don't make money running businesses ...................................................... 04 Tips for a Successful Mergers and Acquisition Strategy .................................... 09     Position yourself as an investor or shareholder ............................................ 10     Don't look for businesses which are for sale ................................................ 12     Focus on motivations, not money ................................................................ 14     Adding shareholder value ........................................................................... 15     Bad paying cus...
    Participants List for the European World Medical Tourism Congress Hosted by Cigna Released - Cigna Insurance Middle East (Dubai, UAE) - Athens Medical Group (Greece) - Ministry of Health (Dubai, UAE) - European Union of Private Hospitals (Belgium) - Medbliss Consultants (India) - Institute of Life (Greece) - Saudi Enaya Cooperative Insurance (Kingdom of Saudi Arabia) - Global Healthcare Accreditation (USA) - +Medi Prinou (Greece) - Iheoo Healthcare Advisory (Nigeria) - Cleveland Clinic (USA) - Avicenna Medical Travel (Uzbekistan) - C3 Medical (France) - Representation Plus (UK) - Johns Hopkins Medicine (USA) - Oman Insurance Company (Oman) - Prince Sultan Cardiac Center (Kingdom of Saudi Arabia) - TebCan Co. (Jordan) - Intishar for Tourist Patches (Sudan) - LHL (Denmark) - Ukrainian Association of Medical Tourism (Ukraine) - Ohio State University (USA) - Institute for Advanced Reconstruction (USA) - Eurocare Multispecialist Hospital (Nigeria) - EuroMD (Ukraine...
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Berlin -  Berlin is a fascinating B erlin is a fasc inating city, more than eight centuries old, popular with its architecture, sunny summers and cold winds of autumn. As every German city, it is well-arranged and carefully combed. The building facades are in bright, yet serious colors. The inhabitants of the city seem to be observing all kinds of rules. The errand boy would open the door of the car for you and convey your briefcase to the building with a welcoming, friendly smile. Once you are in the lobby, you meet the kind staff at the reception, everybody looks so happy to attend to your needs. Everybody is smiling the entire time. The rooms are tasteful and in the spirit of Berlin: with clear lines, perfectionist atmosphere, and warm color accents, clean, soft and cozy beds In one of the hotel’s atrium, there is a huge blue aquarium, called Aquadom with a selection of fishes from the tropical underwater world. The city zoo is the biggest in the entire world. A plenty ...

Futuristic Gyroscopic Transportation By Dahir Insaat

 Прага,   един  сутринта непроходима от гости на града За 2015 г. Чехия е посрещнала 28 млн. туристи, което е рекорд за страната и представлява 8 процента ръст спрямо предходната година, а дестинацията отбелязва устойчив ръст за всяка от предходните пет години. Информацията е публикувана от изданието „Чешки туризъм“. Всеки турист харчи средно по 100 евро дневно. От „Чешки туризъм“ отчитат сериозен спад в броя на руските туристи за миналата година, който обаче веднага е бил заместен с огромен ръст от САЩ и азиатските държави.  Всъщност, като ходи човек по улиците на чешката столица Прага, над половината лица, които вижда са на азиатци. За китайците дестинацията е истинско откритие.  Най-много обаче са германските гости, следвани от словаци, австрийци и поляци. Приходът за най-силната година в туризма възлиза на около 9 млрд. евро, което представлява около 3% от БВП на страната. Оттук следват няколко извода: държава, която е с население окол...